Dominant characteristic in the mountainous zone of Elatos is the fir. The forests that surround the village are mixed forests of hybrid spruce (Abies borisi regis) and Kefalonian spruce (Abies cephalonica) with a ratio that varies depending on the altitude and microclimatic conditions. Dozens of species of plants grow on the rocks of the area, with mountain tea and amaranth predominant. Rare species of bulbous and annual plants such as crocuses, lilies, orchids and primroses (Primula veris) are found in all zones. Of great interest are the 190 species of mushrooms (Pleurotous eryngii, Armillaria ectypa, Macrolepiota mastoidea, etc.) of which 70 are edible and three of them are found for the first time in Europe.
In the wider area of the village are endemic – depending on the season – hares, foxes, wolves, wild boars, roe deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, ferrets, weasels, walnuts, blackbirds, hawks, vultures, owls, owls, kicks.
At the northern limits of the village there is finally an area designated as a Wildlife Refuge [Kanalakia – Psila Platania (Krikon Dapatolakon), code K627, F.K. 677 / 4-6-76].